Posted on : Jun 21, 2022

In 2014, three guys with marketing, online and hospitality backgrounds got together and talked about their understanding and experience with retirement villages and aged care.
It was clear there was limited information on these sectors, and interestingly no review platform for residents to share their experiences - good, bad or otherwise. So, with the help of an Advisory Board and many hours in weekends and evenings, a review site was developed and launched in 2015.
Initially, both the aged care and village sector showed reservations thinking it would become a site for complaints and that these would be available publicly with little they could do. However, by 2016 it was obvious that there were many more good stories than bad and awards would help to publicly acknowledge and thank those facilities and staff doing a great job. The problem was that the larger facilities received more reviews and votes due to the number of residents. A method was needed to smooth results so that a 20 bed facility had the same chances as a 120 bed facility.
In consultation with the University of Canterbury, AgedAdvisor developed a series of algorithms to calculate the ratio and mean score of reviews over a 12-month period. Facilities with more residents were aggregated by the number of ‘reviews to residents ratio’ to reflect a true score across all villages.
“Unlike any other awards in the aged care or village sector, the Aged Advisor winners are based purely on independent reviews and ratings from customers throughout New Zealand,” explains Aged Advisor’s Managing Director, Nigel Matthews. “We launched the awards to identify and celebrate exceptional aged care and village providers as well as provide families with another measure to identify facilities that will take great care of their loved ones. The winners received consistently high ratings from residents and their families and represent the top tier of senior care or retirement village providers in New Zealand.”
Facilities must receive a minimum of 3 reviews within the previous 12 month period and have 5 or more reviews within the last 5 years to qualify. AgedAdvisor does not charge for entry into the Awards, and provides Freepost forms for residents to post in, ensuring no facility is disadvantaged.
“These winners not only demonstrate a commitment to providing the best care possible, they’ve set the bar high for others to follow.”